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Netcarbon Agriculture
Netcarbon Landscaping
Use cases
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Our technology
Our solutions
Netcarbon Agriculture
Netcarbon Viticulture
Netcarbon Development
Use cases
Use cases
Our use cases
Discover the players committed to a more sustainable future!
Projects have been launched to capture more carbon, with a positive impact on climate change.
November 11, 2024
How the popcorn industry pays its farmers based on the carbon sequestered in the soil
August 6, 2024
Bordeaux Métropole measures its carbon capture
Discover the Bordeaux Métropole project!
They're already storing carbon with us!
Netcarbon Intelligence has helped us, as a Metropolis, to measure the impact of our urban developments, for a more sustainable city! Long live the trees!
Mr Rubiot
Mayor of Bassens (33)
An indispensable tool for steering our CSR and even technical strategy! Monitoring the NDVI of our vines is so much easier now.
Ms. Martre
Les Vignobles de Larose
The Netcarbon Intelligence application has enabled us to measure the impact of our technicenters' work! A great tool for renaturation in the right places.
Mathilde Martin
Measuring the impact of our farmers has never been so precise and easy! Thank you Netcarbon Agriculture! A real precision tool for ferti.
Alexandra Colin
Netcarbon Intelligence has helped us, as a Metropolis, to measure the impact of our urban developments, for a more sustainable city! Long live the trees!
Mr Rubiot
Mayor of Bassens (33)
An indispensable tool for steering our CSR and even technical strategy! Monitoring the NDVI of our vines is so much easier now.
Ms. Martre
Les Vignobles de Larose
The Netcarbon Intelligence application has enabled us to measure the impact of our technicenters' work! A great tool for renaturation in the right places.
Mathilde Martin
Measuring the impact of our farmers has never been so precise and easy! Thank you Netcarbon Agriculture! A real precision tool for ferti.
Alexandra Colin