Netcarbon Development

For cities and infrastructures

We can help you make the transition to more sustainable development.
The Netcarbon Intelligence platform was created to address the needs of public and private players, enabling them to take stock of their land, model, simulate and certify the impact of development projects.

request a demo
Mock-up of the dashboard for the Netcarbon application, which uses satellite data to measure carbon capture.
Manage your zones
All your zones are accessible via the application. Use the drop-down menu to view your zones and access data.
Manage your zones
All your zones are accessible via the application. Use the drop-down menu to view your zones and access data.
Manage your zones
All your zones are accessible via the application. Use the drop-down menu to view your zones and access data.
Manage your zones
All your zones are accessible via the application. Use the drop-down menu to view your zones and access data.
Multi-year display
The Netcarbon application gives you access to data since 2018, which you can compare to track the impact of your actions in just a few clicks.
Multi-year display
The Netcarbon application gives you access to data since 2018, which you can compare to track the impact of your actions in just a few clicks.
Multi-year display
The Netcarbon application gives you access to data since 2018, which you can compare to track the impact of your actions in just a few clicks.
Multi-year display
The Netcarbon application gives you access to data since 2018, which you can compare to track the impact of your actions in just a few clicks.
View indicators
Access all the indicators for your zone: carbon, soil classification, artificial land cover, UHI, etc.
View indicators
Access all the indicators for your zone: carbon, soil classification, artificial land cover, UHI, etc.
View indicators
Access all the indicators for your zone: carbon, soil classification, artificial land cover, UHI, etc.
View indicators
Access all the indicators for your zone: carbon, soil classification, artificial land cover, UHI, etc.
Model your future project
Use the application to model artificial and vegetated areas (tree species, low vegetation, hedges, etc.).
Model your future project
Use the application to model artificial and vegetated areas (tree species, low vegetation, hedges, etc.).
Model your future project
Use the application to model artificial and vegetated areas (tree species, low vegetation, hedges, etc.).
Model your future project
Use the application to model artificial and vegetated areas (tree species, low vegetation, hedges, etc.).
Simulate before/after impact
Launch the simulation of your project and visualize the impact of all indicators: changes in carbon capture, vegetation cover, temperature, etc.
Simulate before/after impact
Launch the simulation of your project and visualize the impact of all indicators: changes in carbon capture, vegetation cover, temperature, etc.
Simulate before/after impact
Launch the simulation of your project and visualize the impact of all indicators: changes in carbon capture, vegetation cover, temperature, etc.
Simulate before/after impact
Launch the simulation of your project and visualize the impact of all indicators: changes in carbon capture, vegetation cover, temperature, etc.


Understand your territory and its evolution through multiple indicators (carbon, artificialisation, Urban Heat Islands...)
→ Easily meet regulatory requirements (Zero Net Artificialization (ZAN), PCAET)‍

Image of carbon capture in a city
Carbon storage
Image of artificialisation detection in a city
Artificialization detection
Image of surface temperature in a city
Heat islands
Detecting trees in a city

A tool for detecting and counting trees in urban areas, enabling us to monitor changes in the tree population and tree planting projects.

Indicator of soil classification in a city

Detection of land use patterns (built-up areas, grasslands, trees, parking lots, etc.). This indicator, available at centimeter resolution, can be used to calculate carbon stock, vegetation cover and artificialisation indicators.

Image of vegetation humidity in a city

Indicator of the humidity level of the vegetation to identify risks of water stress.

Image of carbon capture in a city

Quantity of CO2 absorbed by vegetation through photosynthesis over one year (expressed in tCO2/ha).

Detecting vegetation in a city

Mapping the vegetation cover of an area to identify green corridors and breaks in ecological continuity.

Carbon stock indicator for a city

Quantity of carbon contained in soils between 0 cm and 30 cm depth.

Image of surface temperature in a city

This indicator represents surface temperature and helps identify urban heat islands.

Image of artificialisation detection in a city

Detection and quantification of areas removed from their natural state (fallow land, grassland, wetlands, forests or farmland).

your landscaping projects

Prioritize areas on which to take action based on objectives (increased carbon storage, reduction of heat islands)
Model future development projects and make before/after project comparisons to find out the impact on various indicators (soil artificialisation, vegetation cover, carbon, temperature)
→ Optimize your development projects in m

Simulation steps for infrastructures, companies and cities

the impact of your projects

Steer your decarbonation strategy and monitor the appropriateness of your actions in relation to your objectives (limiting land artificialisation, combating UHI, preserving vegetated areas).

A graph showing the evolution of carbon storage in a city

Certify your projects

We draw on the requirements of the Tree City Low Carbon Label and the GHG Protocol to certify and value the impact of your natural carbon sinks and your projects .

Check the eligibility of my project


From analyzing the results to communicating this information to the general public, Netcarbon can help you make sense of the figures.

Picto results analysis
Understand your results
Scientific explanation, analysis summary, showcase web page displaying results.
Picto citizen access to the application
"Citizen" access to the application
Free access to the dashboard for the general public.
Picto communication
Communicate your results
Physical and digital media to support your communication strategy.

A dual view of your data

Picto application

Create your carbon capture strategy and track its impact over time

Picto API

Visualize in real time your inventory of fixtures in your business tools (GIS) thanks to our APIs

Bordeaux Metropole logo
Based on satellite data tracking the state of vegetation, and combined with artificial intelligence, Netcarbon's technology measures and improves capture as
Bordeaux Métropole, xxxx
SNCF ter logo
Atlas is a strong map development tool with a lot of nice features. There are also some nice integration options.
application picto

Intuitive application

ready to use in 1 hour

picto of a dialogue bubble

Customer support

and assistance in analyzing your results

picto of a calculator

Transparent pricing

per hectare


How do you certify a renaturation project?

For a renaturation project to be certified, it must meet a set of requirements. Each certification system has specific objectives, results and requirements. Under the Low Carbon Label, for example, the level of soil sealing and the quantity of carbon stored are major criteria. You can test your project's eligibility for theLabel Bas Carbonein just a few clicks, using our macro calculator.

How can carbon sequestration be measured within the framework of the PCAET?

Today, measuring carbon sequestration can be done in 2 ways:

→ Commission a laboratory to take soil samples.

→ Use reference systems associating carbon stocks with land-use patterns.

At Netcarbon, we have developed a tool that measures carbon stock and capture on an annual basis, using satellite data. This provides an annual update of carbon stocks at the intermunicipal level, but also for each commune.

What is a heat island?

An Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon where urban areas are significantly warmer than the surrounding rural areas. This is due to the density of buildings, heat-retaining building materials, lack of vegetation and heat-generating human activities. UHIs can lead to public health problems, increased energy consumption, degraded air quality and negative environmental impacts.

How to combat heat islands?

There are several methods to combat heat islands and high temperatures:
- Increasing green spaces: Planting trees and creating parks can help lower temperatures through shade and evapotranspiration.
- Green roofs and walls: Installing green roofs and walls helps insulate buildings and reduce heat.
- Reflective materials: Using reflective building materials for roofs and roads can reduce heat absorption.
- Improved urban planning: Integrate urban cooling strategies into city design to minimize the effects of UHIs.

Contact us

Our use cases

Bordeaux Métropole measures its carbon capture
Bordeaux Métropole and Netcarbon improve their urban planning by measuring carbon storage.